About …

My family & I got our dog Daisy in 2007 — that's her running on Goodrington Beach in the picture at the top. We fell in love with her straightaway and so brought her home with us. It was probably inevitable but I like to think it was a purely objective decision based on sound logic, and not the fact that she was a very pretty little bundle of mischief.
We made sure that she had all the proper vaccinations and then the big day came when she could go out for ‘walkies’. The problem was we didn't really know where to take her and so we just ended up pounding the pavement for a few months before getting really bored. We started to look for other more interesting places to take her and so found lots of great places to visit.
This website is just a note about some of the places in Torbay that we love to take Daisy. Hopefully it'll help those new to being an owner of man's best friend, and will also be useful to anyone that likes to take their dog on holiday.
I'll add the odd picture so that you can see something of the places I talk about. It's a work in progress but I hope you find it useful.